This page is intended to provide links to state and regional level wildfire resources in the Southwest Climate Hub mainland states. Most of the resources listed here represent interagency (Federal, State, and Local) partnerships – wildfire does not recognize political boundaries or jurisdictions! These collaborative efforts provide a wealth of resources on wildfire prevention, response, and recovery on their websites, as well as coordinating supplies, equipment and personnel between agencies. National level websites such as the National Interagency Fire Center, Inciweb and the National 7-Day Significant Fire Potential, are also valuable resources.
The Living with Fire (LWF) website included below differs from the other resources listed in that it is managed by University of Nevada Reno, Extension and has the primary focus of providing resources to homeowners, educators, community groups and firefighting professionals to improve defensible space, ensure homes have proper building materials, manage native and non-native vegetation and prepare for evacuation
Please contact to suggest resources to add to this page that will be useful to the mainland Southwestern states.