
The Southwest Climate Hub publishes videos from meetings and webinars on the SW Climate Hub YouTube Channel. This page serves as a landing page for quickly finding recent videos without searching through YouTube. To access the full list, please follow this link:

The US Drought Monitor Process

Dr. Brian Fuchs, Climatologist with the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), explains the process of making the weekly US Drought Monitor Maps at the 2022 Drought Learning Network Meeting.

Monitoring dashboard for managing drought risk on the ranch

Dr Tonya Haigh, rural sociologist with the NDMC describes the Ranch Drought Monitoring Dashboard. The dashboard features the latest data on drought and precipitation conditions, outlooks, on-the-ground reports, vegetative stress, forage productivity and more.


Julie Elliott, NRCS liaison with the Northern Plains Climate Hub discusses Grass-Cast, a seasonal forecast for grassland growth for the Great Plains and Southwest. Grass-Cast indicates for ranchers and other grassland managers whether productivity (pounds per acre) is likely to be above-normal, near-normal, or below-normal in the upcoming growing season relative to the 30+ year history of their local area.


Mike Crimmins, Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Arizona, describes myRAINGE Log, an online tool designed around the type of infrequent, cumulative precipitation observations often collected at remote, rangeland sites. myRAINGE Log helps ranchers and land managers visualize their own precipitation data in the context of historical measurements.

CoCoRaHS: Community Collaborative Rain Hail and Snow Network

Henry Reges, National Coordinator for CoCoRaHS at Colorado State University presents on how volunteer observers with the CoCoRAHS network help to provide data for drought decision support.

Condition Monitoring Observer Reports

Kelly Smith with the National Drought Mitigation Center presents on Condition Monitoring Observer Reports (CMOR-Drought). This tool allows citizen scientists to submit observation reports relating to drought, which are presented in a map that can be used to view and access submitted information and attachments.
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