Adaptation Planning

Check out the Adaptation Workbook here.

Pinyon and Juniper Management Adaptation Workshops – 10/2024 (Boulder) and 5/2024 (Flagstaff)

Utilizing the Adaptation Workbook and menus process, managers and scientists came together to pilot the use of a new decision support tool focused on managing pinyon juniper woodlands across the Colorado Plateau. Managers explored climate change considerations and developed adaptation actions based on the PJ management adaptation menu draft and provided feedback to improve the tool.

Region 3 Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Workshop - 2/2024

Partnered with Region 3 of the Forest Service (USFS R3), The Ecological Restoration Institute (ERI) and the Southwest Fire Science Consortium (SWFSC) to co-host a two-day joint adaptation workshop to share the USFS R3 Regional Climate Adaptation Strategy with the Coconino and Kaibab National Forests.

SUHFER Project IDT Adaptation Workshops - 9/2023 and 1/2024

Partnered with OSC and NIACS to host two virtual workshops to facilitate the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forests ID Team in adaptation planning for the South Uncompahgre Hazardous Fuels and Ecological Resiliency (SUHFER) Project.
The USDA Southwest Climate Hub, in collaboration with the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS), USDA Forest Service Region 4, and the Dixie National Forest, facilitated a three-day climate change adaptation workshop for decision-makers from the USDA Forest Service Region 4, particularly those who take part in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Interdisciplinary Teams (IDTs). Focusing on the Brian Head Ski Area Expansion Project (Environmental Impact Statement-EIS), the workshop taught participants how to use the Adaptation Workbook process in NEPA project development and climate-related analysis. 
The Southwest Climate Hub collaborated with the Southwestern Region (R3) of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the Ecological Restoration Institute (ERI), and the Southwest Fire Science Consortium (SWFSC) to convene Coconino National Forest and Kaibab National Forest resource managers for a climate change adaptation workshop. The Joint Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Workshop was held February 21st – 22nd 2024 in Flagstaff, Arizona.
The workshop convened 45 natural resource professionals across the CO plateau parks including Cedar Breaks NM, Southeast Utah Group Parks, Capital Reef NP, Grand Canyon NP, Pipe Spring NM, Zion NP, and Chaco Culture NHP. The workshop followed the five steps of the Adaptation Workbook, a structured process that helps managers apply a climate change “filter” to their management planning, outlined in the Forest Adaptation Resources: Climate Change Tools and Approaches for Land Managers, 2nd Edition (Swanston and others, 2016: The online version of the Adaptation Workbook can be found at
Please set up your Adaptation Workbook account (If you haven’t already done so) the week before the course begins so that we can make the course features available to you before you start.
The Rio Grande Basin Adaptation Planning and Practices Online (APPO) Course runs from October 5 and finishes November 16, 2021. The course is designed to help participants integrate climate change information into real-world management projects. This course follows a five-step process to develop climate change adaptation projects using the online Adaptation Workbook. The course format will include individual or group work time to complete a single step of the adaptation workbook, followed by a group discussion and lecture to review completed steps and to prepare for the next step.
Climate change creates serious risks for ecosystems and the benefits that they provide to people. Natural resource managers face the tremendous challenge of developing and implementing management actions that help ecosystems respond to climate change risks. But how do managers find current science and local climate change impacts; and where do we find practical, on-the-ground management options to help ecosystems adapt to changing conditions?