Coconino and Kaibab National Forests Joint Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Workshop
The Southwest Climate Hub collaborated with the Southwestern Region (R3) of the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), the Ecological Restoration Institute (ERI), and the Southwest Fire Science Consortium (SWFSC) to convene Coconino National Forest and Kaibab National Forest resource managers for a climate change adaptation workshop. The Joint Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Workshop was held February 21st – 22nd 2024 in Flagstaff, Arizona.
The workshop aimed to increase awareness of the Regional Climate Adaptation Strategy (CAS) which provides a structured process for integrating climate change considerations into management planning and activities. R3 developed this strategy as guidance for managers, planners, and decision-makers to aid in the assessment, prioritization, and application of climate change science. The CAS allows USFS practitioners to understand what it involves to consider climate change in their work. The CAS is a modification of the Adaptation Workbook developed by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS). The CAS is aligned with national USFS guidance and builds upon the workbook framework by including vulnerability assessments specific to the Southwestern Region, resources from Adaptation Partners, and a compilation of existing R3 guidance, collaborative outcomes, research, technology, and planning.
During the Coconino and Kaibab Joint Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Workshop participants:
Became familiar with the CAS for R3 and know how to apply the Strategy in project planning and NEPA;
Considered climate change vulnerabilities and potential impacts for project areas and how those might affect the ability to meet management goals and objectives;
Developed and discussed adaptation tactics that may help address climate vulnerabilities to reduce climate risks to forest resources while meeting goals and objectives; and
Discussed how to monitor adaptation actions for success.