
86th Western Snow Conference in Albuquerque, NM 2018


  Snow Pack and River Flow: The Impact of a Changing Climate on the Rio Grande - How will a changing climate affect the flow of the Rio Grande in Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico?

Water Scarcity in New Mexico - report by Jared Andersen, KRWG

August 2011 (LAS CRUCES) - According to the U.S. Climatic Data Center the first six months of 2011 was the driest period on record for New Mexico and Texas. In this report we look at how the drought is affecting the region. We'll also tell you about steps being taken to monitor and prepare for what some say will be a future with more and more area water scarcity dilemmas. KRWG's Jared Andersen reports.



The Forest Service and Climate Change - One of the most significant issues the Forest Service faces is the effects of climate change on the Nation’s natural resources.


Drier and Hotter: Managing Climate Risks in the Southwest - The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) held a briefing examining the current and projected impacts of climate change in the Southwest and regional efforts to manage these risks. Listen to the briefing here:

National Climate Assessment: Adaptation chapter from The Story Group on Vimeo.


Dry and drier in West Texas from The Story Group on Vimeo.

Science for a Hungry World: Agriculture and Climate Change - How will climate change impact agriculture? This video explores the need for accurate, continuous and accessible data and computer models to track and predict the challenges farmers face as they adjust to a changing climate.  Credit: NASA


National Climate Assessment: Agriculture chapter
from The Story Group on Vimeo.

National Climate Assessment: Hawai‘i chapter
from The Story Group on Vimeo.


National Climate Assessment: Southwest chapter
from The Story Group on Vimeo.